We were pleased to welcome Neil Hughes former Wildlife Officer for Leicestershire Police who gave a talk titled “police interaction with wildlife”. 

We were very grateful to Neil who stepped in at the last moment to give the talk. This was a combined “in the room” and Zoom talk.

Neil was very experienced at giving in person talks and managed the virtual audience in a very professional manner.

He talked about his experience when with the force about the different types of wildlife crime and how often these could be a cover for more serious and profitable crimes. He referred to offences against Badgers, Hares and Birds of Prey in very direct ways and also by more devious ways such as blocking holts and setts to prevent animals escaping.

He also spoke about the sale of illegally imported goods/artefacts.

This was a different type of talk for the Society but one which made very serious points albeit with some joviality in its telling.